Sanako UK Ltd

What do the students think of Sanako UK Director's MFL in Careers Talks?

It's been a long year of student MFL engagement talks for David, and, despite his age, he has got through it. We know the staff always provide great feedback and that questions about MFL from students continue for many months, but what do the students really think?

David delivered one such talk to the wonderful Lampton School in Hounslow, the teachers there kindly canvassed the students from Year 11 to find out exactly what they thought of it all.

Monica Soares Compton, Languages Teacher, Lampton School begins

David delivered an excellent talk to our Y11 students today focusing on the value and importance of Languages for further education and career prospects.  He delivered his session with great warmth, humour and expertise, pitching it at just the right level to engage his audience. Students clearly enjoyed gaining an insight into how and why knowing a different language can go a long way to boost their future success. David’s many anecdotes, both personal and professional, really brought his core message to life – that language learning is a vital, purposeful and rewarding pursuit in post-Brexit Britain.

What the students thought !

I found the speech really helpful and found something to take away from it and that is that languages can help you get a good job with a high salary and many opportunities

  • I really enjoyed it since it gave me a clear view of what jobs I can do
  • I found the presentation really interesting and it has motivated me to do languages
  • Informative and useful for me in the future
  • Made me realise how many opportunities can be open for you by just doing languages
  • Very useful as I now know what jobs I can get with languages
  • David Binns was really joyful and had a lot of positive energy
  • Explained clearly how important languages are at GCSE
  • Learnt a lot about A Level languages and why it’s a good option to pick
  • The speech was nice and also funny. I liked the information he gave about languages at A Level
  • It was funny and entertaining and we can relate to it
  • The assembly was nice and I learnt that speaking a different language increases your salary

The thoughts of Sanako UK Staff

Well done David ! keep it up for as long as you can, MFL teachers in the country are behind you.