Sanako UK Ltd

A Sanako Connect example of teacher sharing MFL GCSE exercises & students completing it online in class or remotely


Due to the success of Sanako Connect online MFL centre, many schools have been asking for a quick example of both how the system works and some of the GCSE content readily available for it. We have chosen a simple speaking & pronunciation exercise for this example.

This simple to use yet advanced technology encompasses the benefits of AI and rejects the distractions of AI. Widely used around the UK, and indeed the world, Sanako Connect is an extremely versatile for MFL, Welsh and English departments.

 Example of teacher sharing an MFL exercise online and student completing and submitting their wor

This short video shows an example of a teacher sharing an exercise with students, whether in class or posted online as homework.

It highlights, listening, gap fill using the special characters keyboard, translation & vocabulary, AI pronunciation and just speaking the target language. 

There are many AQA, EDEXCEL & WJEC based ready made exercises available, all of which are editable and can be shared across MST's.

For more information please visit the content section of this website

 For more information on Sanako Connect and the various content available for it please contact us