Sanako UK Ltd

A language is a language, Sanako Connect for MFL and English oracy & literacy activities


The Sanako Connect online system has proven a huge success in MFL & Welsh departments across the UK.

However, the same system is now being shared with English departments for oracy & literacy, along with alternative placement, primary MFL and also Online A-Level MFL delivery.

As so many schools are now using Sanako Connect, there is always an option to share this valuable technical resource with other departments to get the most out of the school investment. It's the same system with many cross curricular uses.

Sanako Connect for MFL and Welsh


With a proven track record for improving speaking and listening amongst Modern Foreign Language students and also for increased engagement, many schools have realised that the same technology can be shared with other departments to enhance outcomes.

Sanako Connect offers a unique solution for cross-curricular learning in schools. With a focus on MFL and English oracy and literacy, our platform provides students with the tools they need to excel in learning learning across many subject areas. Our interactive online package allows for seamless integration of language skills into various disciplines, in any language, making it easier for students to practice speaking in any language.

Sanako Connect for English Oracy and Literacy

Reading out loud is often a daunting task for many students, especially if this is to be done in a classroom environments, where they often feel conscious of what their peers may think.

By using the latest technology and live audio and video streaming facilities, Sanako Connect allows each student to read aloud simultaneously to themselves in a secure environment which has a proven positive impact on outcomes.

The teacher can always listen in discreetly to students speaking and offer live support if required. The student can then either submit their recording or the teacher can auto collect all individual student recordings for assessment.

If also using the automated pronunciation testing tool in English student will receive instant feedback and view the activity as an enjoyable game, always trying to get five stars.

 Sanako Connect for A-Level and Primary lessons online

Sanako Connect can also be used for delivery of remote A-Level language classes where there is simply not enough MFL students in one school to make a class viable, but when multiple schools join together online it makes the lesson perfectly feasible.

As Sanako Connect will work on any device, in any location and at any time it is the perfect solution for this national issue. Live audio and video streaming along with various exam modes enhances the entire lesson.

The school simply shares their licences for the period of time they would like the lesson to last, and also to the students they would like to invite to the lesson

It is exactly the same solution for primary school level language sessions. Young students can be involved in a safe and secure platform whilst the high school teacher delivers an MFL lesson remotely


For more information on how Sanako Connect can be used cross curricular and gain an insight into it's flexibility, please contact us