Sanako UK Ltd

Technology in Language Teaching - TiLT Event - A resounding success !

On the 10th July 2024 Sanako UK re-introduced our very popular Technology in Language Teaching (TiLT) days after the COVID lockdowns. This  Free To Attend event was, needless to say,  a resounding success with language teachers and was well oversubscribed. We limit numbers to thirty schools at a time for exactly the same reasons as class size.

We extend our thanks to the brilliant Bedwas High School, and especially Siân Davy, Head of Welsh, for making it such a success.

We are planning a series of such events around the UK with the next event scheduled for September 2024 at Monmouth Comprehensive School. Please feel free to register your interest in attending. Whilst the full agenda can be found below, we would just like to highlight a few of the talks;

 Session 1 - Keynote presentation: Wendy Adeniji – MFL and School Improvement Consultant

Excellent curriculum design in MFL and Welsh:

Ensuring your students enjoy learning languages and are well prepared for GCSE.

Wendy Adeniji, and experienced languages teacher and school leader, delivered the keynote speech focussing on the new curriculums for both MFL & Welsh in both England and Wales.

The aim was to ensure that teachers are ready and also that students enjoy learning a language. This was an extremely popular keynote with heads of departments from over 30 local schools engaging and asking questions.

So many Heads of Department commented that they had many "take away's" to try in their own school environments

 Using Sanako Connect at Bedwas High School - Siân Davy, Head Of Welsh

 Using the Sanako Connect Languages System at Bedwas High School

Positive impact on teaching and learning with hugely improved outcomes and attainments

After using Sanako Connect for only six months at Bedwas High School, Siân presented her findings on how the latest MFL & Welsh language learning technology can really engage students, especially with speaking and listening activities, to improve final outcomes.

She then randomly asked students to talk about their experiences using Sanako Connect and how they felt this technology can really help with their languages journey.

The fact that students are asking to use Sanako Connect to learn a language speaks for itself.

Siân's fantastic presentation covered so many of the positive impacts of using Sanako Connect, but this particular slide really shows the impact modern technology can have on outcomes.

MFL Careers talk - Modern Languages in the working world - David Binns, Director of UK Operations, Sanako UK

Boosting students numbers opting to take a language at choices time.

A careers talk aimed at Year 8,9 and 10

The Sanako UK Director, David Binns, then presented to the MFL careers talks which he has so far delivered to over 400 schools around the UK with tremendous results.

Every school which David has visited has seen improved take up of languages at options time. The talk was so popular and additional six schools signed up for a visit.

As David says "Give students the right message and they will come", which has proven to be so true as you can see below. 



 Perfecting Pronunciation – A live lesson with Sanako Connect - Wendy Adeniji

 A hands-on demonstration of how the latest online technology using AI can improve outcomes and save you time and money


This was a very popular session where all the teachers had the opportunity to be a "Year 9" pupil for an hour to get real world experience of the power of the latest MFL technology such as Sanako Connect

Bedwas High School kindly loaned us their suite of ChromeBooks, although any device can be used especially for BYOD.

Teachers each took a device and headsets as they were amazed at the power and relevance of live speaking and listening activities. The AI enhanced pronunciation testing feature was extremely popular with all who used it.

The Full Bedwas TiLT Agenda

bedwas school 2024 tilt agenda.pdf

 For further information please contact us